Most Americans plan carefully for their retirement while they overlook one of the greatest financial risks we all face as we age. That risk is the possible need for an extended nursing home stay or the need for continual care at home.
Almost everyone has car or fire insurance. However, approximately only one in about 1200 homes actually catch on fire, and approximately one in 240 people use their car insurance. More than 50% of men and women over the age of 65 will need long-term
care.¹ By the year 2020, 12 million people will need care, and most of these people will receive care at home.²
Is Long-Term Care Insurance Right for You?³
You should not buy long-term care if:
You can't afford the premiums.
Your only source of income is a Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
You often have trouble paying for utilities, food, medicine, or other important needs.
You should consider buying Long-Term Care Insurance if:
You have significant assets and income.
You want to protect some of your assets and income.
You want to pay for your own care.
You want to stay independent of the support of others.